14. All removals in the designated baby section have been $500.00. All removals are handled on a case by case basis to determine whether or not it can be done.
15. All work to open and close a grave for burial will be performed by St. Stephen’s
Cemetery personnel.
16. Plantings on the back of the stone in the older section is allowed if the lots are front
and back and there are two different families on each side of the stone.
17. Any and all flags must be touching base of monument.
18. The Cemetery reserves the right to bring any violation into compliance.
19. The Cemetery also reserves the right to bring into compliance any gross disregard for
the rules and regulation immediately.
20. Nothing but grass may be grown on any lot except for directly in front of the stone
within eighteen inches of the base.
21. Cemetery reserves the right to remove flowers from a burial after 5 calendar days or
if they are unsightly.
22. No stone or hard mulch chips are allowed anywhere.
23. The Cemetery may repurchase lots at 50% of the original purchase price, if there are
no burials in the lot and there is no headstone. We suggest that they be given
to other family members or to the needy.
Planting Rules and Regulations posted at the Cemetery must be followed.
25. The Cemetery requires hard containers for all cremations. Wood, paper, cardboard or plastic are not allowed.
26. The Cemetery
requires a 2-piece cement burial container on all full size burials.
27. Vaults are required for a removal and re-internment within the Cemetery.
28. When Cemetery lots are purchased, one purchases burial rights. So, if a six grave lot
is purchased, only six people may be buried. If the family needs room for an addition burial they must purchase additional
burial rights at the going rate. This can only be allowed if the Management
deems it do-able.
29. All bodies must be in a rigid container approved by the Management.
30. The management reserves the right to change, alter and or amend any of the above policies
or to add new ones at any time without notice.
The Management and it’s employees
disclaims all liability with regard to interments, disinterment, graves, plots or memorials, also for damage from causes beyond
its reasonable control, and especially from damage by an act of God, the elements, thieves, vandals, unavoidable accidents
or any cause similar or dissimilar, beyond control of the Management or its employees whether the damage is direct or collateral.